Your furbabies tend to have one habit, which is licking. But what makes this habit even more weird is that dog keep licking your stuff. The habit of licking is their way of communicating and interacting. As they are born, licking is one of the parts of their development since mother dogs lick their puppies to clean them and stimulate vital functions.

Moreover, when the dogs grow up, licking is their way of showing affection and looking for your attention. Other reasons tend to justify your dogs licking your stuff, so let us find out about them. 

Reasons that your dog keep licking

Aside from affection, the dog’s licking behavior comes from these reasons. Licking is one way dogs talk to their parents, so you should understand these reasons why dogs engage in licking. 

Exploring Through Taste and Smell

Dogs are known to have a great sense of smell. When they lick objects, they gather information about their environment. Licking helps them explore the taste and texture of different items. 

For instance, your thing has your scent from different environments or people. This sensory exploration is a natural behavior that helps the dog understand its surroundings better. 

Seeking Comfort or Attention

The licking has been a way to comfort them from the time of birth as their mother licks their furbaby for warmth and reassurance. 

When dogs lick your belongings, they might be looking for the comfort of your scent. It is because these can provide you with a sense of security.

Moreover, the dogs might need your extra attention to signal that they are starting to lick.  So you expect they won’t stop unless you give them the response they want. 

Marking Territory

Sometimes, licking means more than a way of communication. It is the way dogs make their territory as your furbaby licks your belongings to establish ownership over those times. In the world of dogs, your things are there, and their things are also there. 

Meanwhile, this kind of behavior is common in multi-pet households where dogs feel the need to show their presence and claim their objects. It is a natural instinct that comes from their ancestors, so you should not worry about it. 

Anxiety or Stress

Aside from the territory, making the licking habit can be a sign of anxiety, too. When they lick excessively, it is because of anxiety and a feeling of overwhelm. 

But, the behavior can provide temporary relief from anxiety and help to cope with stressful situations. 

So, if you notice that your dog licks excessively when faced with triggers like loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or separation from you, it is a sign of underlying anxiety that needs to be addressed.

Tasting Remnants of Food or Sweat

Your things carry your scent, including traces of food particles or sweat.  It is no surprise that dogs are naturally drawn to these smells and tastes. They lick items like clothing, bags, or furniture that have absorbed these scents. 

Besides, the appeal of food remnants or the salty taste of sweat can make your belongings irresistible to them. It makes it fun to lick them to enjoy those flavors.


dogs licks

Your furbaby might be bored while you are busy with your work. If you do not give enough attention, they have a perfect way to get your attention. They start licking your object as the outlet to release their excess energy and boredom. 

At the same time, it provides them with something to do and can help relieve pent-up energy. To prevent this behavior, it’s essential to engage your dog with regular exercise and interactive toys that challenge their minds.

How to manage dogs licking behavior?

ky 5 Why Does My Dog Keep Licking My Stuff?

While the behavior of dogs licking your object can be ignored in the beginning. But for a long time, living cannot be ignored. The apparent must try to manage their licking behavior as it can be a problem. 

Set Boundaries

The first thing is to set clear boundaries to manage your dog’s behaviours. Train your dog to know what is acceptable to lick and what is not. Include some commands like “leave it” or “no lick” consistently when your dog attempts to lick inappropriate surfaces. 

Besides, positive reinforcement, like treats or praise, is effective when dogs follow your commands. You have to be consistent, so ensure that all family members apply the same rules to avoid confusion for your dog.

Provide Alternatives

Aside from that, the next way to manage the dog’s licking behavior is to give them other appropriate alternatives that can help redirect your dog’s licking behavior. 

Provide a variety of chew toys, interactive puzzle toys, or licking mats for your dogs. These alternatives satisfy your dog’s natural urge to lick and give them mental stimulation. Choose toys that are durable and safe for chewing. Rotate them regularly to maintain your dog’s interest.

Look out for Stress or Anxiety

If your dog is licking excessively, it is time for you to take them to the vet. That is because it can be the underlying sign of anxiety. Check for potential triggers for your dog’s anxiety, like loud noises, changes in routine, or separation from you. 

Besides, implement calming techniques to provide a safe space for your dog to retreat to when feeling overwhelmed. After consulting with a veterinarian, you might also explore options like anxiety wraps or calming supplements. 

Similarly, regular exercise and mental enrichment can reduce anxiety levels and excessive licking.

Which dog breeds lick the most?

Yes, it might be surprising to hear, but there are breeds of dogs that lick the moist. Some of them are some of the favorites among their pet parent. So which are they 

  • Labrador Retrievers: These dogs are famous for their affectionate nature. When they lick, it is a sign of love and bonding. Their friendly disposition can also lead to frequent licking, especially when they are excited. 
  • Golden Retrievers: Golden Retrievers are very social and affectionate dogs. They may lick their owners and other pets to show their affection. 
  • Beagles: Beagles have a strong sense of smell and lick various surfaces as part of their exploratory behaviour. Their curious nature can lead them to lick objects around the house.
  • Boxers: Boxers are playful and energetic dogs who like to communicate with their owners. Their enthusiastic nature can result in frequent licking during playtime. 


While the dogs licking bevahour is natural, it can be a healthy and comforting habit for them. But letting them lick everything is not a good habit. So, it is better to help them set boundaries to ensure they aren’t licking harmful things. 

Moreover, you can include some chewable toys and a licking mat to help them redirect their licking behavior to their boundaries. This will help them provide safe licking and give them physical stimulation to maintain their health. 


  1. Should I let my dog lick everything?

While some licking is normal and can be affectionate, it’s important to set boundaries. Allowing your dog to lick unhygienic objects can expose it to harmful bacteria. Train your dog to know what is acceptable to lick to maintain a safe and healthy environment.

  1. Do dogs lick when stressed?

Yes, licking can be a sign of stress or anxiety in dogs. When feeling anxious, dogs may lick themselves or their owners as a self-soothing mechanism. If you notice excessive licking, it may indicate underlying stress, and you need to take them to the vet soon. 

  1. Is it bad if my dog licks me a lot?

Occasional licking is harmless and can be a sign of affection. But if your dog licks you excessively, it could indicate anxiety or a desire for attention. It’s essential to monitor the behaviour and ensure that it does not become compulsive.

  1. How to relax a dog?

To help your dog relax, create a calm environment as you reduce stressors and provide a safe space for them to retreat. Engage in regular exercise through puzzle toys. Consistent routines can also help reduce anxiety.

  1. What does it mean when dogs lick fabric?

Dogs may lick fabric to seek comfort from familiar scents or taste remnants of food or sweat. Licking fabric can also be a soothing behaviour for anxious dogs or simply an exploratory action as they investigate their environment.

  1. When should I seek professional help for my dog’s licking behavior?

If your dog’s licking becomes excessive, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer for guidance to manage the behavior effectively.

  1. Is there a difference between affectionate licking and attention-seeking licking?

Affectionate licking is gentle and accompanied by relaxed body language. Attention-seeking licking may be more persistent and insistent. Understanding the context of the licking can help determine its motivation.

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