Pet parents love every aspect of their furry babies. Their beautiful appearance and dogs with curly tails are especially appealing. The dog breeds with curly tails, which make them easily recognizable and adored by many.

Aside from that, the breeds of dogs are quite playful, intelligent, and have strong personalities.

The curled tail, which can vary from a tight corkscrew to a loose expressive loop, is not just a physical trait. Many of these breeds hail from different backgrounds.

How about we take a moment to find out about the dog breeds with curly tails to make a captivating choice for any dog lover? Without any further ado, let us right dive into it.

Which dog breed has a curled tail?

Dog breeds with curly tails are famous for their unique charm and personality. Their tails signify their behavior and breed. How about we explore these adorable and famous breeds among pet parents? 


akita 1 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

The first is the adorable dog Akita, known for its fun and quirkiness. Japanese dogs resemble wolves and were used for hunting and guarding. Traditionally, they were seen as symbols of good health and protection.

At present, they have become famous domesticated animals thanks to their loyalty and strong bond with their families. But they are wary of strangers, so they can also be a part of your home security.

Despite their intelligent behaviour they are stubborn, so you need consistent and firm training.


basenji 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

The dog breed with curly tails, Basenji, is unpopular. But you might have heard their next name, the barkless dog, with its unique yodel sounding different from that of other breeds.

These dogs come from Central Africa and were used for hunting. They have independent and smart personalities and thrive on affection and aloofness. They are loyal to family members. However, they are reserved with strangers and have a high prey drive, so they are not ideal for homes with small pets. 

Chow Chow 

chow 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

The Chow Chow, an ancient Chinese breed with a lion-like mane and amazing blue-black tongue, is famous for its companion Dogs. Its curly tails help to make its regal appearance even more distinct. These dogs were historically used for guarding and hunting but are now famous for their companion dogs.

These strong-willed and independent dogs are loyal to their families, but they are aloof with strangers. It is better to provide them with early socialization to create an environment for them to be well-mannered pets.


samoyed 1 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

The lovable Japanese breed Samoyed is quite distinct due to its smiling face and fluffy coats. Its curled tails make its appearance even more appealing.

These dogs were originally bred in Siberia to herd reindeer and pull sleds in arctic conditions. But, they are now popular family pets due to their friendly and sociable nature.

These cutesy-looking fur babies want your daily attention and can become destructive if left alone for a long time. They will play with you all day, as they need ample exercise.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

cardignana 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

The cardigan Welsh corgi is among the two Corgi breeds with long bodies, short legs, and distinct curly tails. Its appearance resembles that of a small potato, making it an excellent companion for pet parents.

These intelligent, loyal, and affectionate dog breeds quickly become an integral part of the family. They learn quickly but need mental stimulation to prevent boredom. 


pug 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

The smallest dog breed with a curly tail is the pug. The wrinkled face and curly tail are celebrated for their charm. They were bred in China and thrive in affection and companionship. Despite their size, they have big personalities with a mixture of mischievous and loving traits.

Aside from their personality, these breeds need a moderate amount of workouts with short walks and indoor playtime. Their short coat makes them one of the low maintenance for grooming. But please pay attention to their facial fold to prevent irritation.

Alaskan Malamute

malamute 8 Dog Breeds With Curly Tail

Coming from the heart of Alaska, the Alaskan Malimate is one of the largest sled dog breeds used to carry heavy loads in harsh conditions. These strong and powerful dogs have curly tails that result over their back in a plume-like fashion. These tails add an extra appeal to their strong build.

These dogs are friendly and independent, and due to their strong-willed nature, they can be the best companions with a bit of training. But remember to involve them in high energy level activity like running or sledding. 

Should a dog’s tail be straight?

The dog’s tail should be straight or curled, depending on the breed and characteristics of the dog. Curly-tailed breeds have their tails in a curled position, while breeds like Labradors have straight tails. A straight tail can hint toward a range of emotions; for example, if held straight out from the body, it suggests curiosity. A slightly stiff and raised tail can indicate aggression, while a tucked tail can show fear.

The dog’s tail position helps you understand its body language and natural tail type, allowing you to interpret its emotional state accurately.


Dogs with curly tails are visually appealing and, through their distinctive tail positions, provide unique insights into their personalities and emotions. Whether it’s the confident Shiba Inu or the sociable Samoyed, every breed has its own features that make it a special companion.

Pet parents should understand their dog’s tail positions to better connect with their pets. This knowledge enhances the bond between them and facilitates effective communication. For more detailed information about pets, stay tuned with Little Fur for the latest updates and insights!


  1. What does a curled tail on a dog mean?

A curled tail can indicate various emotions and serve functional purposes. It often signifies alertness, confidence, or excitement when held high. While a lowered or tucked tail may suggest fear or submission. Moreover, the curl can enhance balance and agility during movement, particularly in breeds that have historically used their tails for hunting.

2. Why do Samoyeds curl their tails?

Samoyeds have evolved with curly tails as a natural adaptation to cold climates. The curl helps protect their rear from biting winds and frost. The feature also adds to their cheerful appearance and complement their friendly demeanor and fluffy coat.

3. Do Rottweilers have curly tails?

Rottweilers typically do not have curly tails; they are known for having straight, thick tails that are usually docked in some regions for aesthetic reasons. 

4. Does a German Shepherd have a curly tail?

German Shepherds do not have curly tails; they generally possess long, straight tails that are bushy and taper towards the end. The tail is held low when relaxed and raised when the dog is alert or excited to reflect its mood and intent. 

5. What is the Japanese dog with a curly tail?

The Shiba Inu is a well-known Japanese breed that features a curled tail. The breed is celebrated for its spirited personality and fox-like appearance, with the tail curling over its back in an elegant manner.

6. What is the Korean dog with a curled tail?

The Korean Jindo is a breed known for its loyalty and hunting abilities, characterized by a curled tail that arches over its back. The breed is highly regarded in Korea for its intelligence and strong bond with its owners.

7. What Chinese dog breed has a curly tail?

The Chow Chow, originating from China, is recognized for its distinctive blue-black tongue and thick double coat, along with its plush curly tail that curls over its back. The breed has a unique personality and requires early socialization due to its independent nature.

8. Why do Akita’s tails curl?

Akita tails curl as part of their breed standard and are thought to serve both aesthetic and functional purposes. The curl adds to their majestic appearance while also providing balance during movement. Historically, this feature may have helped protect them from harsh weather conditions in Japan.

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