When your mind thinks of the webbed legs, the ducks may come into your mind. But the surprising thing is that there are the dogs that have webbed legs.

Dogs with webbed feet are breeds that were historically used for water-related tasks, such as swimming, retrieving, or working in marshy areas. Their webbed toes help them move efficiently in water. Get your popcorn ready, as we are going to spill some secrets about these dogs. 

What breed of dog has webbed feet?

The breeds of dogs that have webbed legs come from their ancestors. Previously, they were adapted to swimming and other activities. But now they do not take an active part in such activities. Yet these webbed legs have become an integral part of these breeds. So, what are the dogs that have webbed legs? Let us find out about the, 

Labrador Retriever 

labraodr 11 Dogs with Webbed Feet

If you have those energetic playing golden retrievers, then you’ll have noticed their legs have those webbed toes.  

These breeds are also known for their exceptional swimming abilities. That has given them their unique physical characteristics and historical background.  

On the other hand, they have a water-resistant double coat that helps them stay buoyant and warm in cold conditions. Their otter-like tail serves as a powerful rudder that allows them to maneuver gracefully in the water.


Now comes the next: those cute and gentle giants are Newfoundland. These dogs are quite fond of swimming and are known for their remarkable swimming abilities, which explains their large and webbed feet. 

They originated in Newfoundland, Canada. These dogs were invaluable to fishermen, helping to pull nets and retrieve fish from icy waters. 

In addition to their impressive swimming skills, Newfoundlands possess a thick, water-resistant double coat that insulates them against cold temperatures. Their muscular build and strong lungs enable them to swim long distances, so they are used to help in water rescue operations today as given training by professional dog trainers.


poodles 11 Dogs with Webbed Feet

Despite all the sizes of Poddles, small and large, they have the feature of webbed feet. These were originally bred in Germany as water retrievers. Due to this, these breeds are known to retrieve waterfowl with their agility and intelligence.

Moreover, their curly, water-resistant coats play a crucial role in keeping them dry while swimming. Poodles are highly trainable and versatile, often participating in various dog sports. 

Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is a breed known for its love of water. Their distinctive curly coat, which is both water-resistant and helps to keep them warm in chilly waters, 

Bred as a versatile hunting dog, the Irish Water Spaniel was specifically developed to retrieve waterfowl and assist hunters in aquatic environments. 

Their webbed feet enhance their swimming efficiency and allow them to navigate through water. Moroever, the breed is known for its playful and affectionate nature. 

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

ajd 11 Dogs with Webbed Feet

Those Cheesies or the Chesapeake Bay Retriever are popular for water work. They were developed in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland. 

At the same time, these dogs were bred to hunt waterfowl in the region’s marshes and icy waters. Their powerful hindquarters and webbed paws enable them to swim with strength and agility,

In addition, their outer coat is oily and waterproof, providing insulation against cold water. Chessies are known for their loyalty and protective nature, which makes them a perfect addition to the family.

Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog is another breed renowned for its swimming ability. Similar to other retrievers, they were also used to help fishermen. They helped with herding fish into nets, retrieving lost gear, and delivering messages between ships.

Meanwhile, their webbed feet allow them to swim efficiently, while their curly, water-resistant coat keeps them warm and dry in chilly waters.


dashcund 11 Dogs with Webbed Feet

The dachshund can come as a surprise on the list of dogs with webbed legs. While these dogs are mainly associated with hunting. For this purpose, the breed uses their webbed legs for digging. Their toes can move this dirt quickly as it act as a shovel.

Meanwhile, dachshunds are not known as strong swimmers. But their webbed feet have become of some help. These unique combinations of traits make Dachshunds versatile hunters on land. 


Similar to other dog breeds with webbed legs, the otterhound is known for its hunting nature. With rough, water-resistant coats and strong, webbed paws, they can easily navigate rivers and lakes.

On the other hand, the breed is known for its excellent sense of smell and endurance. Although otter hunting is no longer prevalent, otterhounds now remain beloved family pets.


ky 5 11 Dogs with Webbed Feet

Those striking silver grey coats and their versatility make Weimaraners stand out. In the previous era, they were known to track, point, and retrieve in hunting. Nowadays, they are known to be our cuddle buddies.

The fun fact is that their webbed legs are used more to provide stability and traction in both wet and dry conditions.

These energetic dogs require regular exercise, making them perfect for your children and family to enjoy outdoor activities with. 

German Shorthaired Pointer

Yet another energetic hunting dog characterized by its webbed feet, German Shorthaired Pointers are known for their versatility as they excel in different tasks. Besides, their compact, well-structured feet, combined with webbing. It allows them to paddle efficiently through the water. German Shorthaired Pointers are known for their intelligence and energy, which makes them highly trainable and adaptable to various activities.

American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel is a versatile hunting breed that thrives in aquatic environments, thanks in large part to its webbed feet. These dogs are known for their curly, waterproof coats and thickly padded feet.

Meanwhile, their webbed feet enhance their swimming ability to allow them to navigate cold water effectively.

Their friendly and energetic behavior makes them homely pets and skilled hunting companions. 

Can all dogs with webbed feet swim?

No, all dogs with webbed legs are not there to swim. Dogs with webbed feet are natural swimmers, but all breeds may not have this ability. Breeds like the Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland, and Portuguese Water Dog are specifically known for water-related tasks. Apart from that, their webbed feet, combined with other physical traits such as water-resistant coats and strong builds, make them perfect for those aquatic environments.

Besides, Dachshunds have webbed feet that assist them in digging rather than swimming. They have the physical ability to swim, yet their lack of exposure to water activities can affect their swimming skills.


Webbed feet are not a common trait, but different breeds have unique advantages. These can help them be well-suited for water-related activities and environments.

Some breeds use these abilities for swimming purposes, while others use them for hunting.

Despite using it for different skills, the dogs are energetic and playful. These abilities can enhance their regular exercise and playing ability. So remember to take them out on a regular basis. 

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